Fan Tokens:86
Market Cap:$218,739,772
Diluted Market Cap:$787,547,308
24h Volume:$37,918,517
S.C. Corinthians

Select the message in the headband of Cássio

In the last decade, Corinthians has seen some of the most beautiful chapters of the club's existence written. In the midst of so much joy, one name was constant: Cassio. Fiel's identification with one of the greatest goalkeepers of all time is inevitable and it manifests itself in countless ways. How about, then, materializing this affection in one of the objects that fans most associate with the idol? Choose the phrase we'll use to pay this tribute to one of the most beautiful relationships we've ever seen in Corinthians history.

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  • Open: Nov 02, 2021 - 14:00
  • Close: Nov 16, 2021 - 10:00
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Champion of the champions

Champion of the champions

Unforgettable 2012

Unforgettable 2012

Proud of you

Proud of you



Here is Corinthians

Here is Corinthians

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