Which player of La U will be the MVP for the match against La Serena?
Guess who will be the MVP for the match against La Serena.
- Closed
- Open: May 05, 2022 - 16:00
- Close: May 07, 2022 - 21:30
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Locked Token Count:3,036UCH
2. Daniel NavarreteVote:1,109
4. José CastroVote:555
5. José María CarrascoVote:373
7. Mauricio MoralesVote:183
8. Pablo AránguizVote:96
9. Junior FernandesVote:192
10. Jeisson VargasVote:154
11. Cristian PalaciosVote:90
12. Hernán GalindezVote:72
13. Camilo MoyaVote:17
14. Felipe SeymourVote:38
15. Luis Felipe GallegosVote:16
19. Ronnie FernándezVote:35
20. Lucas AssadiVote:30
21. Bastián TapiaVote:14
22. Cristóbal MuñozVote:18
23. Marcelo MoralesVote:19
25. Cristóbal CamposVote:14
28. Israel PobleteVote:11