Which Racing player will be the MVP for the match against Melgar?
Join the debate and guess who will be the MVP for the match against Melgar.
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- Open: Apr 25, 2022 - 12:00
- Close: Apr 28, 2022 - 10:15
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Locked Token Count:3,347RACING
1. Gastón GómezVote:1,290
2. Juan José CáceresVote:577
4. Iván PilludVote:214
5. Eugenio MenaVote:160
6. Lucas OrbanVote:146
7. Gabriel HaucheVote:84
8. Fabricio DomínguezVote:91
9. Enzo CopettiVote:135
10. Matías RojasVote:240
11. Jonathan GómezVote:70
13. Matías TagliamonteVote:19
17. Benjamín GarréVote:20
18. Ezequiel SchelottoVote:43
19. Leonel MirandaVote:39
20. Edwin CardonaVote:21
22. Carlos AlcarazVote:29
23. Nery DomínguezVote:12
27. Javier CorreaVote:36
28. Tomás ChancalayVote:8
29. Aníbal MorenoVote:21
30. Leonardo SigaliVote:7
33. Gonzalo PioviVote:14
34. Facundo MuraVote:22
48. Emiliano InsúaVote:49