Which Racing player will be the MVP for the semi final match against Boca Juniors?
Join the debate and guess who will be the MVP for the semi final match against Boca Juniors.
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- Open: May 13, 2022 - 18:00
- Close: May 14, 2022 - 15:00
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Locked Token Count:2,647RACING
9. Enzo CopettiVote:1,304
17. Benjamín GarréVote:376
27. Javier CorreaVote:295
28. Tomás ChancalayVote:94
8. Fabricio DomínguezVote:102
10. Matías RojasVote:146
11. Jonathan GómezVote:45
19. Leonel MirandaVote:44
20. Edwin CardonaVote:26
22. Carlos AlcarazVote:53
23. Nery DomínguezVote:15
29. Aníbal MorenoVote:17
2. Juan José CáceresVote:14
4. Iván PilludVote:8
5. Eugenio MenaVote:9
6. Lucas OrbanVote:24
30. Leonardo SigaliVote:10
33. Gonzalo PioviVote:7
34. Facundo MuraVote:5
48. Emiliano InsúaVote:9
1. Gastón GómezVote:32
13. Matías TagliamonteVote:12