Fan Tokens:86
Market Cap:$218,210,911
Diluted Market Cap:$788,752,786
24h Volume:$70,108,790
AC Milan

Speak to the team. Pick the message that will be integrated in the dressing room at San Siro.

Distance means nothing when someone means everything. After a heartfelt letter sent by the first team, thousands of you responded. The club shortlisted 5 messages, but only 1 will inspire the players in the dressing room at San Siro. The Final decision is yours. The lads are listening.

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  • Open: Feb 23, 2021 - 08:00
  • Close: Feb 26, 2021 - 11:00
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Only those who risk going too far can discover how far one can go.

Only those who risk going too far can discover how far one can go.

It happens to those who believe.

It happens to those who believe.

Look at the stands, we are there! Far away but close to you, so we can get back to winning together.

Look at the stands, we are there! Far away but close to you, so we can get back to winning together.

When it gets difficult, your legs shake and your breath’s missing, REMEMBER: WE ARE BEHIND YOU.

When it gets difficult, your legs shake and your breath’s missing, REMEMBER: WE ARE BEHIND YOU.

No matter what: together, forever.

No matter what: together, forever.

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