Fan Tokens:86
Market Cap:$217,796,464
Diluted Market Cap:$785,006,729
24h Volume:$41,444,691
Everton FC

Follow your Everton player for a day and gain a unique sneak peek into their lives - from what they get up to at home to life behind the scenes at USM Finch Farm.

Follow one of Everton’s first team players for the day with the Socios Instagram takeover. $EFC token holders can choose who shares their day and gives a special first-hand account of life as a Premier League player through their eyes. The takeover will include exclusive behind the scenes footage and show what the player gets up to in their home life as well as their daily work routine at USM Finch Farm. With the new 2021/22 season in full swing and fixtures coming thick and fast, you will be given an Access All Areas pass into the player's life as they show you everything from getting ready for training, working in the gym and mixing with teammates.

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  • Open: Sep 16, 2021 - 11:00
  • Close: Sep 22, 2021 - 11:00
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Andros Townsend

Andros Townsend

Salomón Rondón

Salomón Rondón

Ben Godfrey

Ben Godfrey

André Gomes

André Gomes

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