Fan Tokens:87
Market Cap:$279,111,556
Diluted Market Cap:$1,421,766,690
24h Volume:$90,275,604
Endpoint CeX

Which player should we create a documentary video about?

Whose career would you like to have told in a documentary? Learn all about their journey, from their beginnings playing games in their rooms all the way to the pinnacle of esports. Your options are: Seikoo: the French prodigy; how did he come out of nowhere to dominate RLCS? Metsanauris: one of RLCS' all-time greats, Metsa has done it all, learn about his time at the top and his grind back up with Endpoint MiGHTYMAX: Mr Endpoint himself, he has been part of the organisation longer than some of the staff; learn about his journey from prodigy to in-game-leader

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