Which dance do you want Espe to do IRL when she wins a match in her Custom Smurf Challenge?
Voting in this poll will enter you into a draw for your chance to win your very own Team Heretics official School bag, Belt Pouch and Case, winners will be drawn after the poll has ended. Espe wants to grind on her smurf account to get as many arena points as she can. To do it in an original way, we want to give her a few rules she must follow on her journey to the top. If you want to win some cool Team Heretics' merchandise and put Espe up against the ropes in this challenge, tell us which rules you want her to follow in her next arena points' climb! In this challenge Espe will celebrate a Fortnite win by doing a dance chosen by you, the fans during a stream on Saturday 24th @ 17:00 CEST - https://www.twitch.tv/espe
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- Open: Oct 19, 2020 - 15:00
- Close: Oct 23, 2020 - 15:00
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